Help Resources


There are many videos that demonstrate how to use Breeders Assistant. These are a good way to get started quickly, and show all the most commonly used features.


Several written tutorials are included which can be accessed by selecting Tutorials from the Help menu within Breeders Assistant.

  • First Steps - This shows how to get started with adding animals, entering ancestors, printing pedigrees, how to save as PDF, searching, inbreeding and more.
  • Importing Data - This demonstrates how to import data from text/CSV files with several example data sets.
  • Pedigree Layouts - Turorial that introduces pedigree layouts and shows how they can be customized.
  • Working With Data - Shows how to customize user defined fields and work with records, indexes and advanced searching.
  • Tagging With The Professional/Extended Edition - Demonstrates the enhanced tagging facilities of the Professional and Extended Editions.
  • Mate Selection, Kinship And Population Analysis - Detailed introduction to the advanced population genetics tools of the Extended Edition.

User Guide

A detailed written user guide is included. To access this choose User Guide from the Help menu within Breeders Assistant.

Help Reference

A detailed help reference including lists of fields and indexed step-by-step instructions for most tasks is also included. To access this choose Reference from the Help menu within Breeders Assistant.