Breeders Assistant

Pedigree With Repeat Ancestor Highlighting

Pedigree With Tags in Details Box

Mating Certificate

Mate Selection Matrix With Inbreeding Minimization

Prospective Matings Ranked By Gene Diversity Metrics

Trial Pedigree Showing Coat Color Predictions (Cat Version)

Breeders Assistant (BA) is a specialist animal pedigree, record keeping and genetics analysis application for Windows-based computers1. At its simplest it is used to produce high quality pedigree certificates and store all breeding records in a private pedigree database held locally on your computer.

A good way to get started with Breeders Assistant is to dive in with our series of videos Play Video.

BA has many advanced genetics features, including very fast inbreeding calculations. With the Extended Edition it can prioritize prospective matings in a number of ways e.g. to minimize the inbreeding that would result from the mating, or to maximize the influence of specific individuals within the breeding population, or to minimize the loss of genetic diversity e.g. by minimizing mean kinships.

We no longer sell licenses for this product for new customers - consider PedPro instead. If you are an existing customer of an older version of Breeders Assistant, you can still order an upgrade.

Editions of Breeders Assistant

BA is supplied in three different 'editions' - the Personal Edition, the Professional Edition, and the Extended Edition.

The Personal Edition is the entry-level version, used by breeders to enter the records for animals, details of their ancestors and associated records such as details of matings and contacts, and to print pedigrees.

The Professional Edition builds on the Personal Edition by adding features including a much higher record limit, multiple tagging, customizable ancestor highlighting, prediction of inherited color according to the known genotypes of parents, and several other features. More...

The Extended Edition is the premium edition of Breeders Assistant, with all features enabled.

It builds on the Professional Edition in a number of ways but most importantly it includes a suite of advanced population genetics tools and permits commercial use. More...

The population genetics tools of the Extended Edition broadly divide into two groups: mate selection, and population genetics metrics reporting.

With the mate selection tools you can specify a set of sires and dams and rank the potential matings between them in some way e.g. to minimize the offspring inbreeding, or to maximize the influence of specific individuals within the breeding population (which may or may not be ancestors of the parents), or minimize loss of genetic diversity within the breeding population as a whole e.g. by minimizing mean kinship.

The population genetics metrics reporting tools let you compute compute various metrics such as inbreeding, mean kinships, founder metrics and genome uniqueness (the risk of a founder's genes having very limited representation in the breeding population) for a specified set of individuals.

1. Full version of Windows 11 or 10 required (not Windows 11S or Windows 10S).