Breeders Assistant Downloads

Old Releases - v5.21

Downloads for this product are supplied in both British English and American English versions.

  • In order to use this download, your period for support must have been in date when this version was released, which was October 2016.
  • You need to enter a download password when you open this download. This password was supplied with the install codes by email at the time of purchase.
  • Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. Not compatible with earlier versions including Windows XP.
  • This old release is no longer supported. For access to the customer helpdesk you need to be both in date for support and using the current release (v6.20d).
  • How To Install: When you click the download link your browser will download an 'installer' program. Once this has finished, open the downloaded file to install the software. Browsers differ in how they display downloaded files e.g. some show recent downloads at the bottom of the web page.
  • The only difference between the 2 downloads is in the product documentation. The software also has a preference setting to select between British and American English spellings within the application. If you need to change this, use the User Interface tab of the Configure|Preferences window.
  • Make A Backup First: If you are updating an existing version of Breeders Assistant you are advised to make a backup copy of your Breeders Assistant data file(s) first, just in case you need to revert to the previous version for any reason. Good luck!


Support Expiry Date

Your support expiry date can be found in the email/message/letter that contained your product install codes.

If you have Breeders Assistant v5 or v6 installed, you can also find this by choosing the About... option from the Help menu. The expiry date is embedded within the serial number in the form YYYYMM. E.g. in the following screenshot the expiry date is 202301 i.e. the end of January 2023:

Breeders Assistant About Box Showing Expiry Date

Support for all earlier releases of Breeders Assistant, including v4, ended in 2017 or earlier, depending on your purchase date.